I'm amazed at Christians these days! It seems like we can talk about anything BUT our Savior. He loves us WAY more than anyone on this world could ever love us! We can talk comfortably about everything else, but when we try to bring up the subject of Salvation, we cower away. We should speak of our Savior most! He saved us, the least we could do is talk about Him. I've been like this too, most Christians feel this way. I admire those who don't feel like this, I pray for courage every day, and I find it easier and easier to talk about Christ to those who don't know Him personally. I want to ask you to please, join with me to continue to pray for courage. I pray for believers that I don't even know, but they're my brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray that they would get courage and that if they are in a situation, I pray that God would help them. I can't wait to meet all those whom I've prayed for. I'll continue to pray for you and I'd ask that you'd pray for others in Christ as well. THANKS!!
   Hey! How is everybody? I checked the site stats and I'm very happy and proud to see that there is a lot more people visiting it! But a question has raised in my mind, Is this site serving its purpose? Well, what is the purpose? I want to encourage Christians to do God's will in their lives, I want to win the lost over to Jesus, so that they may have a home in Heaven with Jesus. If this site has affected you in any way possible or you have any comments, please, don't be afraid to e-mail me or write a comment. It would really encourage me to see that I'm actually being used as a tool for Jesus through this site. Has Jesus spoken to you lately? Let's talk about it! Don't know what to do? Shoot me an e-mail, and I'll get back to you! I need encouragement in Christ too. Got something on your mind? Tell me about it, is it private? I won't tell. You can trust me. Have questions about Salvation or don't understand why God would let something happen? Talk to me, I'll try to get you an answer as soon as I can! Please, don't be afraid, I don't bite.
          P.S my e-mail address is on the questions page  :)
    The holiday I'm speaking of is Halloween, this day originated from people who worship the dead. This is not something to play around with. The whole trick-or-treat thing came from the people who believed that angry spirits came into the town and the people would put out food to appease them.  The people believed that if they didn't set out food, then the spirits would curse them. The dressing-up thing came from the same people who also believed that if a spirit was angry at you, you could dress up as someone else and trick the spirits. All of a sudden the things of this holiday don't seem cute and harmless anymore do they? The jack-o-lanterns aren't off the hook either. They thought that one time, the devil sent a spark from hell into a pumpkin to light it up so that people could identify that they were with the devil. So do you want to celebrate the day with such an evil background? Do you want to identify with the devil? I know I don't please don't give the devil glory by celebrating his holiday! Thanks!
    God has been working! When I'm down, I just "look unto Jesus" and almost instantly, I feel better. Jesus can speak to all of us if we just listen. When I pray, sometimes, I do all the talking and I don't listen for the Holy Spirit. He could be talking to me and I don't hear the voice because I'm not listening. So, my dear friends, please, listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit. Oh, and if you would, could you please spread the word out about my site? Like maybe recommend it to a friend? I sure would be grateful for it! THANKS! Be strong in your walk, it's the most important thing in your life! GOD LOVES YOU!
  I've been getting distracted with my walk with Christ here lately. Every time I do, I realize it and I go to God's Word and I get renewed. There are so many distractions in life and I want to encourage you all to take time out with Jesus and get in the Word and not be so busy that you can't focus on the things that are really important. Be strong in your walk!!


     I'll go by my code name on this site, Vicki B. I am a kid almost a teen in about a year, that's so in love with my Savior. I know I have a home in Heaven and my desire is to let others know that they have one too.


    November 2013
    October 2013

